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1. This Constitution may only be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3rds) of the eligible voting Citizens voting at a Regular or Special Election called for that purpose, provided that at least forty percent (40%) of the eligible voters of the Tribe cast a vote in the election.

2. All proposed Constitutional amendments shall be submitted to the Reservation Tribal Office at least thirty (30) days prior to the Regular or Special Election at which the amendment(s) will be voted on. Copies of proposed amendments may be obtained by any Tribal Citizen upon request to the Reservation Tribal Office prior to said meeting.

3. Constitutional amendments shall become effective from the date of approval by the General Council.

[Constitution Adopted 1978, 4/13/82, 04/03/99, Amended 4/1/89, 4/7/90, 11/8/90, 4/6/96, 04/06/02, 07/20/02, 10/05/02, 04/02/05, 4/7/07, 1/5/08, 04/01/17.]